On behalf of the Book Prize Committee of the International Society for Chinese Law and History (ISCLH), we are pleased to announce the results of our 2024 Biennial Book Prize for works published between January 2022 and December 2023.
The winner of the 2024 biennial Book Prize is Professor Tristan Brown’s book, Laws of the Land: Fengshui and the State in Qing Dynasty China (Princeton University Press, 2023).
Honorable mentions have been awarded to Professor Haiyan Lee for A Certain Justice: Toward an Ecology of the Chinese Legal Imagination (University of Chicago Press, 2023), and to Professor Michael Ng for Political Censorship in British Hong Kong: Freedom of Expression and the Law (1842–1997) (Cambridge University Press, 2022) .
We plan to hold a book prize ceremony at the upcoming Association for Asian Studies annual conference in Columbus, OH, in March 2025. We extend our heartfelt gratitude to both the Book Prize Committee and the Publications Committee for their dedicated efforts in making these selections.
经过数月的仔细评审,中国法律与历史国际学会2024年(双年)最佳著作奖评选委员会一致同意将本届的著作奖授予张仲思 (Tristan Brown) 教授的Laws of the Land: Fengshui and the State in Qing Dynasty China 《山川之典:风水与清代地方行政》(Princeton University Press, 2023)一书,并同时授予李海燕教授的A Certain Justice: Toward an Ecology of the Chinese Legal Imagination 《某种正义:迈向中国法律想象的生态学》(University of Chicago Press, 2023) 和 吴海杰 (Michael Ng) 教授的 Political Censorship in British Hong Kong: Freedom of Expression and the Law (1842–1997) 《噤若寒蝉:港英时代对媒体和言论的政治审查 (1842-1997)》 (Cambridge University Press, 2022) 两本专著荣誉提名奖(honorable mention)。
ISCLH Executive Council
Laws of the Land: Fengshui and the State in Qing Dynasty China
(Princeton University Press, 2023)

作者:张仲思 (Tristan Brown)
A Certain Justice: Toward an Ecology of the Chinese Legal Imagination
(University of Chicago Press, 2023)

作者:李海燕(Haiyan Lee)
Political Censorship in British Hong Kong: Freedom of Expression and the Law (1842–1997)
《噤若寒蝉:港英时代对媒体和言论的政治审查 (1842-1997)》
(Cambridge University Press, 2022)

作者:吴海杰 (Michael Ng)