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Upcoming International Conference in Shanghai, July 10-11, 2015

Writer's picture: Li ChenLi Chen

The International Conference on Chinese Law and History (中國法律與歷史國際研討會) will be held at Fudan University, Shanghai, P.R.China, on July 10-11, 2015. If you plan to attend the conference, please pay your registration fee here before May 10, 2015. Those who have not registered by then may be able to participate in the conference or be accommodated only if our space and budget permit it. Please click here for a copy of the Call for Papers/Participation.

Local accommodation: (1) The first fifty or so ISCLH members who have registered before the deadline will be provided with free hotel accommodation for three nights in Shanghai, and non-members may enjoy the benefit if there is still space. (2) We will make the hotel reservation for all the timely registrants for July 9-11, 2015. (3) If you plan to stay beyond those three days at the same hotel at your own cost, please contact us at and we can probably help extend the reservation at a conference rate.

Note on the ways of participation: We will have a variety of panels, sessions, and activities scheduled, including typical conference presentations. We expect that all the registrants, if they are willing to, will be involved in one of the panels one way or another. We will also send a call for paper/proposal out soon. But if your institution will reimburse your travel cost only if you have a formal paper presentation, please email us after your registration. We will try our best to accommodate it, and we should be able to include about three dozen presenters in addition to two dozen or so commentators, chairs, invited speakers, and workshop mentors, etc..

Registration fees for “current members” and “new members”: If you are not a member of the International Society for Chinese Law and History (ISCLH) yet but would like to participate, please fill out the Membership Application Form (available at Membership) and then click one of the applicable rates for “New Membership + Registration” (depending on your annual income level) to complete your registration for the conference. But if you have already paid membership fee ($30 per year) for the year of 2015, please see information about “current members” below. //

For the “current members” (i.e., members who have paid the membership for 2015), please choose the applicable rate of registration fee according to your annual income level. 已經付清了2015年度會費的現有會員,只須支付會議報名費(Registration)一項,請在下面支付欄內根據自己的年收入選擇合適的款項支付報名費。

Please note that the rates are different for new members and current members, and your income level also influences your registration fee. So please click the drop-down menu below to choose the rate applicable to you.

Payment Instructions: To all current members, to pay your registration fee is to follow the same process as you paid your membership fee before: After you have selected your appropriate registration category in the drop-down menu below, please click the “Pay Now” button. You will then see a page with different methods of payment. If do not have a Paypal account, please click “Pay with a debit or credit card, or PayPal Credit” on the right hand side of the page. You can then proceed to fill out the information of your credit card and make the payment. You will receive an automatic receipt of your payment if you have provided an email address when making the payment.

Transaction cost: You will see that we add a 3% (not really “tax” but the system has no other category to label it) to the registration fees as the transaction charges. While this payment system makes things easier for all our members, Paypal charges the equivalent amount for each payment we receive. It is a small amount for each individual member, but the total sum makes a substantial difference for the revenue of ISCLH as a whole. We thank you for your understanding and support.

If you need a more detailed receipt from ISCLH or have difficulty making the payment, please contact Society Secretary at or Society Treasurer at We look forward to seeing you soon in Shanghai!



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