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ISCLH Biennial Conference Schedule 中国法律与历史国际学会双年会议程

Updated: Jul 13, 2023


July 13 9-11 am EST

Law and State/Empire Building 法律与国家/帝国建构

Chair/Discussant: Shuang Chen 陈爽 (University of Iowa)

朱爱红 (苏州大学) , “监察官权利保障制度之近代转型 —以南京国民政府时期的监察院为分析对象”

桂涛 (中国政法大学法律古籍整理研究所), “商贸网络、信息流通与18世纪文字狱:以乾隆十六年伪孙嘉淦奏稿为例”

黄心瑜 (北京大学国际法学院), “Law and Regulations in Censorial Impeachment under the Qing”

Love and Horror: New Perspectives on Gender, Violence, and Law in Chinese History 爱与恐惧:中国史上的性别、暴力与法律新视角

Chair/Discussant: Wankun Li (Birkbeck College, University of London)

Chenxi Luo (Washington University in St. Louis), “Sexual Politics and Women's Bodies: Gendered Legal Punishments in Ming China”

Nora Yitong Qiu (Oxford), “Dress for Power: A Study of Women Dress by Means of Confiscation Inventory Lists”

Shuhui Zhou (University of Washington), “The Sacred Red and Communist Red: Spiritual Sovereignty and the Climate of Rebellion in the Lawless Frontier of Southwest China”

Mingkang Hao (Duke University, APSI), “Rethinking Female Homosexuality in the Republican China: A Study Based on the Tao-Liu Homicide Case, 1932”

Commerce, Bankruptcy, and Legal Reform 商业、破产与法律改革

Chair/Discussant: Meng Zhang (Vanderbilt University)

张世慧 (曲阜师范大学历史文化学院), “多源演化与制度选择:晚清时期现代“破产”概念的形成”

向世怡 (《学术研究》杂志社), “怀柔远人:1780年前后的广州行商商欠案、债务清偿与行业保险”

陈月圆 (清华大学社科学院), “清代民间组织的产权结构: ‘财团法人’与‘社团法人’”

牛鹏(郑州大学法学院), “法律多元: 清末民初商事习惯在商事纠纷解决中的适用”

July 13 8-10 pm EST

A New Approach to Legal Transformation in Modern China: Rights Consciousness, Public Emotion, and Religion 现代中国法律变革新取径:权利意识、公众情感与宗教

Chair/Discussant: Li Chen 陈利 (University of Toronto)

徐桥 (University of Toronto), “接受、诠释与调整:权利义务观念与清末法治话语的形成”

于露 (浙江大学光华法学院), “一案两判: 筱丹桂自杀案与转型中国的情-法关系”

Gilbert Chen (Towson University), “Are They Monks or Laymen? The Legal Dissolution of the Clergy-Laity Distinction in Modern China”

Listening to the Unspeakable: The Subaltern, Knowledge Making, and Socio-legal Changes Across the Pacific 倾听无言者:底层人、知识生产与跨太平洋社会法律变迁

Chair/Discussant: Jenny Huangfu Day (Skidmore College)

Tian Xu (SUNY Buffalo), “Translating Grassroots Legal Knowledge between the Cantonese and Anglo-American Pacifics”

Anke Wang (Cornell University), “Abolitionist Parallels: The Slavery Commissions and Regulations of Domestic Servitude in China and the British Empire (1922-1936)”

Shumeng Han (UC San Diego) and Xiangyi Ren(University of Chicago), “Mothers at the Crossroad: Gender-generational Inequality during Republican China’s Legal Reforms”

Shu Wan (SUNY Buffalo), “The Trial of The Mute Lover and Its Aftermath, 1929-1943”

Public Authorities in Qing Regional Land Market and Business清代区域性土地市场与商业中的公共权威

Chair: 赵思渊 (上海交通大学)

Discussant: 杜正贞 (浙江大学)

赵思渊 (上海交通大学), “从‘私业’到‘公产’:清代常熟的土地控制与地方公共秩序”

Joel Wing-Lun (University of New South Wales Sydney), “Taxing the Miao: Fiscal Reform and ‘Fairness’ in the Qingshui River Basin”

胡杰文 (上海交通大学), “村落市场内的计算与互惠:晚清石仓的肉店经营与鲜肉流通”

瞿见 (中国农业大学), “‘依口代笔’与‘依稿代笔’:清代清水江契约的代笔方式”


July 14 9-11 am EST

Legal Forensics 法律鉴识与刑侦

Chair/Discussant: Tristian Brown (MIT)

Yushuang Zheng (Johns Hopkins University), “The Death of a Russian Beggar: Negotiating Forensic Authority in Shanghai French Concessions of the 1930s”

Zhiyuan Zhou (Cornell University), “Governmentalizing Chinese Medicine in British Malaya: Institutionalization, Discourses of Modernity, and Transnational Navigations of Medical Laws, 1929-1948”

Yujie Pu (University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign), “Special Knowledge and Bureaucratic Prudence in the Qing Homicide Cases with Insanity”

Yi-Chih Wu 吳宜芷 (National Taiwan University), “Judicial Site Inspection and Maps in Qing Taiwan: ‘Grave Destruction’ Cases in Danxin Archives”

Family Law and Marriage in Chinese History 中国历史上的家庭法与婚姻

Chair/Discussant: Yue (Mara) Du (Cornell University)

景风华 (四川大学法学院), “断绝关系:中国亲权解除的历史与实践”

Weilin Xiao (Yale Law School), “Integration and Separation: Two Types of Family Laws Practice in Japan and China during Their Radical Early Twentieth Centuries”

Akiko Itahashi 板桥 晓子 (The University of Tokyo), “Getting Promoted to a Wife: Flexibility and Inflexibility of Domestic Female Status from the Tang to the Ming-Qing Period”

海丹(商务印书馆南京分馆)、赖骏楠 (复旦大学法学院), “17世纪晚期清朝东北边疆的身份、婚姻和法律”

Chinese Law and History from Anthropological Perspectives 人类学视野下的中国法律与历史

Chair/Discussant: 刘顺峰 (湖南师范大学法学院)

王伟臣 (上海外国语大学法学院)¸ “全球视野下的‘厌诉’与‘健讼’——比较法学的误解与法律人类学的贡献 “

郭婧 (贵州民族大学法学院), “区域比较视野下的传统防火制度认知逻辑”

曹瑞冬 (常熟理工学院《东吴学术》编辑部), “地方性知识研究的史学转向——以江苏自治税捐为切入点(1945-1949)”

姬艾佟 (清华大学法学院), “南宋实物证据发展的‘明推’与‘暗助’”

July 14 8-10 pm EST

Law and Economic Profits in Chinese History 中国历史上的法律与经济利益

Chair: Chiu Pengsheng (Shanghai Jiaotong University)

Discussant: Pan Ming-te (SUNY Oswego)

Thomas Buoye (University of Tulsa), “Impropriety and Ideology: ‘Rich but Not Benevolent’ (為富不仁)”

羅娓娓 (Florida State University), “明末法律中的「違禁取利」”

Preetam Prakash (Stanford University), “Purchasing Justice: Qing Law and Monetary Redemption in the 18th and 19th Century”

Politicalization of the Body: Sexuality in Law and Justice from Qing to the Maoist Era 身体的政治化:从清代到毛时期中国法律与正义中的性

Chair: Jin Jiang (East China Normal University)

Discussant: Xiaoping Cong (University of Houston)

Chaoran Ma (University of Toronto), “Disobedience to Women’s Way: Alternative Sexual Discourses in Chinese Justice, 1799-1910”

Yu Liu (University of California, Santa Barabra), “Nationalizing the Body: Gender, Eugenics, and Law-making in China, 1930-1940s”

Chuchu Wang (University of California, San Diego), “Politicizing Elementary Schools’ Sexual Assault in the Mao Era”

Ding-I Lee (Columbia University), “From Human Monsters to Regular Criminals: The Crossdressers and Intersex People in Late Imperial China”

Legal Modernization: Taxation, Civil Cases, and Concepts 法律现代化:见于财税、民事、观念诸方面

Chair: 黄志成 (University of California, Berkeley)

Discussants: 林浩舟 (上海交通大学) 吴欢 (南京师范大学) 阿风 (清华大学)

朱明希(Northwestern University), “中国共产党政权对包税团体的法律管制与解消1930-1952”

叶泳妍(清华大学), “‘国家有机体’说之辨:近代宪法与公法知识传播管窥”

杨洁钫(清华大学), “明代奸罪的审判与实践——以明代判牍为中心”


July 15 9-11 am EST

Law and Punishments in Everyday Life: Tang to Qing Dynasties 日常生活中的法律与惩罚: 从唐代到清代

Chair: Dandan Chen (Farmingdale State College, SUNY)

Discussant: Jingjie Wu (Tamkang University)

Jackson Yue Bin Guo (University of Toronto), “Officials and Litigants in Imagined Court: Public Drinking Space as a Social Field of Judicial Practice”

Hsiao-I Yang (Shanghai Normal University), “The Moralizing Effects of Law during the Tang Dynasty: Family, Ethics, and Legal Disputes”

严新宇(中南财经政法大学法学院), “报复型兴讼:乾隆十年一宗图奸杀嫂冤案的制作与昭雪 ——以稿本《贪酷署令郭自成详文》为中心”

Jurisprudence and Morality in Late Qing and Early Republic 清末民初的司法与道德

Chair/Discussant: 屠凯(清华大学法学院)

Yuhua Shi (Hong Kong University of Science and Technology), “A New Aid to Administration: Li Yu’s Innovative Self in the Confucianization of Law”

张启航 (西南政法大学行政法学院), “援案说理的‘惩恶’倾向——晚清适用‘丁乞三仔’条例的裁判法理”

Alexander Lou (Tsinghua University School of Law), “From Yīnsī to Yǐnsī: The Evolution of Privacy in Modern China”

Legal Theories and Practices in Ancient China 古代中国的法律理论与实践

Chair/Discussant: Liang Cai (University of Notre Dame)

Charalampos Stamelos (European University Cyprus Law School), “Natural Law in Ancient China and in Ancient Greece”

Ivan Cardillo (University of Trento), “Contribution For A Theoretical Foundation of Liability in Ancient China”

乔飞(河南大学), “试论儒家法思想中的‘四种权利’”

栾兆星(浙江大学光华法学院), “春秋公法:文明论视野下维新派的公法观”

常少华 (中国政法大学), “秦国土地制度形态略考”

July 15 8-10 pm EST

Qing, Li, Fa: Legal Narratives and Juridical Logics 情理法: 法的叙事与律的逻辑

Chair/Discussant: Ting Zhang (University of Mainland, College Park)

熊庆元 (扬州大学文学院), “革命中的情与理:1940-50年代赵树理农村题材小说中的法叙事”

邢天宇 (中南财经政法大学), “寓理于情:驳案所见‘情’与司法制度逻辑”

李亚铎 (河南财经政法大学法学院), “‘二拍’复仇案件探析”

杨康 (扬州大学), “风刀霜剑:清代中后期女性自杀研究”

Practicing International Law in China 中国与国际法实践

Chair/Discussant: 赖骏楠(复旦大学法学院)

Jinqiang Qiu 邱金蔷 (Nankai University), “The Resistance of Norm Promotion: Based on the Analysis of Sanyan Tibetans in the Missionary Cases of Batang”

曹鲁晓 (上海交通大学法学院), “‘宽大’的审判?——国民政府对日战犯审判的评价问题再检讨”

颜丽媛(中国海洋大学法学院), “条约硬法下作为国际软法的清末奉天万国鼠疫研究会议决”



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