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International Society for Chinese Law & History

 The Society has been established in 2014 to promote more regular exchanges of ideas and fruitful collaboration among all scholars across the world who are interested in better understanding Chinese law and society from historical and comparative perspectives. 

Unbalanced Scales of Justice

​About Us

The International Society for Chinese Law and History (ISCLH) was formed on January 1, 2014, after several years of consultation and careful preparation. 

The Society has been established to promote more regular exchanges of ideas and fruitful collaboration among all scholars across the world who are interested in better understanding Chinese law and society from historical and comparative perspectives. We plan to organize a series of workshops, international conferences, and publication projects on a regular basis. Our Society has grown rapidly and our registered members now include almost 140 researchers from more than ten different countries in multiple continents.
If you are interested in joining the ISCLH, please visit the Membership page or contact the ISCLH Secretary or President (listed on the Governance page). We look forward to your participation and support!

Please also remember to visit our pages on Conferences and Publications for updates about the most recent events and scholarship in the field.

Latest Publications

New Publication: Michael Ng, Political Censorship in British Hong Kong: Freedom of Expression and the Law (1842–1997)

Drawing on archival materials, Michael Ng challenges the widely accepted narrative that freedom of expression in Hong Kong is a legacy of British rule of law. Demonstrating that the media and schools were pervasively censored for much of the colonial period and only liberated at a very late stage of British rule, this book complicates our understanding of how Hong Kong came to be a city that championed free speech by the late 1990s. 

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